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  • Designing a Distribution Network to Address Today's Challenges (Tompkins Associates)
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    [PDF файл 180 Кб]
    The purpose of this monograph is to help the reader understand: Some of the factors influencing distribution today. The value of strategic distribution network planning. An approach to a distribution strategic network plan. The methods and criteria that should be used in selecting a site. The value of foreign trade zones.




  • Site Selection (Tompkins Associates)
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    [PDF файл 215 Кб]
    This monograph seeks to introduce the reader to very general site selection principles: how and where to get accurate information, what to do with it, and how to make sense of all of the factors which will affect the success of the distribution network. Seek help, take your time, and build your new facility knowing that its selection analysis was performed comprehensively. Think of the penalties otherwise: no synergy, poor customer service, unhappy workers. Haste really does make waste.

  • Breaking New Ground (Tompkins Associates)
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    This monograph will provide an overview of project methodologies and make suggestions on how to choose the right architect/engineering firm and contractors. Construction is not a “let your fingers do the walking through the Yellow Pages” type of endeavor. In order to make a concept a reality, careful planning and implementation must be in order. Know what you want out of your manufacturing plant, warehouse or distribution center (DC), and stick to the plan.

  • Computer-Aided Facility Layout/Design Warehousing (Tompkins Associates)
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    This monograph hopes to introduce the powers and differences of computer-aided design as it relates to warehousing. It is by no means an all-inclusive exploration but rather a means to “whet your appetite” as to the innovations which make facilities planning a little more simple.

  • Warehouse Management Systems Technologies (Tompkins Associates)
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    A computerized warehouse management
    system (WMS) is the integration of bar coding technology, Radio Frequency (RF) communications equipment, and hardware and software. Warehouse management software has the capability to optimize the warehouse and warehouse-related operations. Whereas the sophistication of manual control systems is low, the sophistication of WMSs can vary from simple stock location control to systems that truly optimize customer service, space, labor and equipment in the warehouse.

  • The Journey to Warehousing Excellence (Tompkins Associates)
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    [PDF файл 310 Кб]
    Warehousing has been, and will continue to, undergo considerable pressure to change. This
    monograph is a collection of six papers that will guide you on a journey to warehousing excellence. The results of a recent survey documenting current warehouse trends and conditions are found in the first paper. The second paper presents a vision of the future of warehousing by identifying the 20 strategies for warehousing success. A methodology to audit your warehouse operations and to measure your overall warehouse performance is addressed in the third paper, while the fourth paper describes the information requirements for planning and managing warehouse operations. A fifth paper discusses the necessity and methodology of both contingency planning and strategic planning, and the challenge of warehouse modernization implementation is found in the final paper.

  • The Economics of Order Picking (Tompkins Associates)
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    Order picking is the function that warehouse professionals consider to be the most critical
    and the most difficult in their distribution operations. It requires the most resources, is the most customer-sensitive and can be the most complex of the warehousing functions. Nonetheless, customers continue to increase the measurements of order picking and decrease the size of their orders. What defines order picking, what drives the changes in order picking, what resources are affected by the changes, and what can be done to minimize the impact of changes in order picking requirements?

  • The Warehouse Manager's Guide to Effective Order Picking (Tompkins Associates)
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    [PDF файл 540 Кб]
    This is a reference document that
    clarifies the objectives, challenges, concepts, and technologies of order picking! This monograph is intended to increase the warehouse operator’s understanding of order picking and to be a guide to improve order picking operations in the distribution environment.

  • Setting Continuous Improvement Priorities in Warehouse Operations  (Tompkins Associates)
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    This monograph presents a method of setting continuous improvement priorities for warehouse
    operations. The Team-Based Continuous Improvement Diagnostic Survey allows a firm to benchmark its current status on...

  • Crossdocking in the Future (Tompkins Associates)
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    [PDF файл 190 Кб]
    The term crossdocking is being used in any number of industries to describe any number of receiving activities. This monograph intends to clearly define crossdocking and help the reader develop a path forward. Section 1.0 presents the three different methods of crossdocking: manufacturing, distribution, and terminal crossdocking. Section 2.0 explains the crossdocking strategies - how crossdocking will work between two trading partners. Section 3.0 discusses crossdocking requirements. These include information systems, space and equipment, and operational requirements. And finally, crossdocking implementation is covered in Section 4.0. This monograph attempts to provide a common sense approach to both a complex and simple operational procedure. The next step is to read this information and start the process of greater warehouse efficiency.

  • Maximizing Your Resources Through Warehouse Slotting (Tompkins Associates)
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    A typical warehouse operator spends up to 60 percent of his or her time traveling between locations. The placement of products in relation to their frequency and point of use is the most significant factor in the above statistic. Therefore, many consider slotting to be the underlying design element that determines warehouse productivity. With little investment, a warehouse can be re-slotted to allow for increased productivity and customer satisfaction levels. This monograph will help you look at how to properly slot your warehouse. It provides an engineering-based, step-by-step methodology. This methodology will reduce the time required to re-slot your warehouse while at the same time, maximize your resources, reduce costs and make gains in your customer satisfaction with little or no capital investments.

  • The Ins and Outs of Cycle Counting (Tompkins Associates)
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    In light of the inadequacy of physical inventories, what is the alternative? The alternative is a technique known as cycle counting. Instead of conducting inventories once or twice a year, cycle counting spreads inventory level verification throughout the fiscal year. Cycle counting allows discrepancies in inventory records to be discovered on a timely basis, allowing effective investigation and correction of the causes of the discrepancies.

  • Value-Added Packaging in the Warehouse (Tompkins Associates)
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    Millions of dollars will be lost for companies that don’t prepare their warehouse(s) to support their customers’ value-added packaging requests. Providing value-added services in the warehouse is one of the fastest growing trends redefining the changing role of the warehouse. Value-added services are defined as any packaging or assembly enhancement to the product or improvement to the services provided by or in the warehouse.

  • Understanding the Warehouse Contingency Plan (Tompkins Associates)
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    Companies cannot wait for adversity before determining what to do in the face of that adversity; “fire-fighting” in this sense, can be directly attributed to the downfalls of many organizations. Contingency planning addresses the question “What if _______ happens?” and, in its ideal state, will draw feedback from a cross-functional team of personnel. This will allow for a comprehensive system of retaliation against natural disaster, security breaches, product liability and personnel changes.

  • Managing an Efficient Dock Operation (Tompkins Associates)
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    The dock requires a large amount of resources and is time and customer sensitive. This monograph will clarify the basics of managing an efficient dock operation. It will also provide an introduction to dock work teams and describe the areas in which a dock management system (DMS) could be effectively utilized. This monograph is intended to increase the service center manager’s understanding of the dock operation and to act as a guide to improving dock operations in the lessthan-truckload (LTL) transportation environment.

  • Fundamentals of Automatic Data Collection (Tompkins Associates)
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    Accurate information is the driving force of maintenance management because the gathering and distribution of information is so critical. Automatic Data Collection (ADC) offers a fast, effective way to handle some aspects of the input/output process. ADC is a combination of technologies that allow a maintenance department the opportunity to use data collection methods other then the keyboard option.

  • Warehouse Management System (WMS) Implementation: Not for Impatient/Faint of Heart (Tompkins Associates)
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    This monograph seeks to break the implementation phase of a WMS project into more palatable chunks, from describing how to develop a team to constructing (and maintaining) a schedule to formulating plans for training of warehouse employees. This monograph also assures you that even when you’ve done all of that, there’s still more to do: acceptance testing, contingency planning, and performance auditing. However arduous, the WMS implementation, done slowly and assuredly and focusing on success rather than on failure, will help your bottom line, increase productivity, and make you and your customers happy with the operationally-efficient system.

  • Competency-Based Development (Tompkins Associates)
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    In this monograph we want to dive deeper into the subject of competency-based development. There are two objectives of defining competencies. The first is to provide sufficient information to individuals about their work so they may prepare themselves to succeed. The second is to provide a tool for both the organization and the individual to measure this success. This may sound basic, but the truth is, most companies “talk the talk” but do not “walk the walk.” This is due to a strong desire to keep control centralized. There is an established hierarchy that ensures control, and it is perceived as effective. It assumes we have simple people. Simple people need simple tasks. However, the business climate today has provided a rude awakening for those who believe this to be true. People are not simple and the jobs they do are not simple. The environment has forced the routine work to vanish, and technology has supported this. Competency models are just one set of tools available to win in today’s marketplace. However, to be effective, the tool must be designed well. The focus should be on roles and performance, not on behavior.

  • Hazardous Materials Management (Tompkins Associates)
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    Executives must have the skills to manage hazardous waste, in order to compete in the global market. There is no excuse for not being knowledgeable or educated in this important area. The penalties and long-term effects are too severe.

  • Управление качеством

    An ISO Compliant Quality Manual for Warehousing (Tompkins Associates)
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    A quality manual is a standard form that will allow you to describe and document your company’s quality program. Your quality manual is the central source containing your company’s quality policies and procedures, and it provides evidence to employees and customers that your company is committed to maintaining quality in all of its products and services. Thus, a quality manual is essential in maintaining your company’s quality standards both internally and externally, and in your adherence to ISO 9000 Series standards.

    An Introduction to ISO 14000: Environment Management Systems (Tompkins Associates)
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    This monograph lists the 14000 series for environmental management systems. It also describes the requirements to be registered as an ISO 14001 company, which is the only standard of the 14000 series to be certifiable by a third-party at this time. The monograph expands on 14001 and lists these continually evolving standards that were developed by the International Standards Organization (ISO). Some standards are currently being evaluated for their final comprehensive form. Already though, businesses across the world are seeking, implementing and being certified as a 14001 enterprise to make themselves a more effective organization. They are also, by being 14001 certified, combating the public perception that companies are apathetic about their impact on the environment.

    Материалы раздела "Управление качеством" >>

  • Обслуживание

    The Scoreboard for Maintenance Excellence (Tompkins Associates)
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    [PDF файл 300 Кб]
    This monograph is a two-part, working document that includes a Maintenance Evaluation Guide and a Scoreboard for Maintenance Excellence. The Maintenance Evaluation Guide evaluates where you are in terms of 18 major functional areas in maintenance. This guide provides evaluation criteria for assessing 200 improvement areas. A total evaluation of your maintenance operation with this guide provides the baseline for establishing priorities for action. The Scoreboard for Maintenance Excellence provides the base for your strategic maintenance plan. It serves as a means to highlight priorities, assign responsibilities, develop schedules, monitor progress, and measure results. It can also be tailored by adding specific goals for each type of maintenance operation.

    Planning for Maintenance Excellence (Tompkins Associates)
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    [PDF файл 695 Кб]
    This monograph provides examples of how effective maintenance planning at the shop floor level can provide an excellent return on investment with just a 10 percent increase in craft utilization. It presents the requirements for effective maintenance planning and scheduling and a strategy for implementing this critical best practice in both large and small maintenance operations. It will help your organization make an important strategic decision to implement formal maintenance planning.

    Computerized Maintenance Management Systems (Tompkins Associates)
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    Computerized Maintenance Management Systems (CMMS) are an effective alternative in improving company profitability. This monograph addresses the notion that good methods for data collection and evaluation in the maintenance area can result in using maintenance operations as a profit center. The fundamental requirement to implement this profit-driven process is a CMMS and a staff skilled to operate the CMMS as a business tool.

  • Штриховое кодирование

    Описание стандарта EAN13/EAN8 (Retail.Ru)Страница находится на другом сайте

    Описание стандарта Interleaved 2/5 - ITF (Retail.Ru)Страница находится на другом сайте

    Описание стандарта Codabar (Retail.Ru)Страница находится на другом сайте

    Описание стандарта Code 39 (Retail.Ru)Страница находится на другом сайте

    Описание стандарта Code 128 (Retail.Ru)Страница находится на другом сайте

    Описание стандарта UPC - универсальный товарный код (Retail.Ru)Страница находится на другом сайте

    Расшифровка префиксов штрих-кодов (Russian FAQ Archives)Страница находится на другом сайте

    Словарь по штриховому кодированию (Retail.Ru)Страница находится на другом сайте

    Data Acquisition and Bar Coding Strategies (Tompkins Associates)
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    [PDF файл 210 Кб]
    The monograph addresses the background of bar coding technology and then moves to a discussion of the different types of symbologies and where each is used. Then, there is a discussion of the alternatives to print the bar code, the strategies to consider when deciding to print off-site or on-site and a discussion on how to apply the bar code label on the box. The last topic covered is possibly the most important one, an implementation guide. This monograph addresses the challenges involved with implementing data acquisition systems and establishes the foundation upon which distribution excellence may be achieved.

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